two weeks ago, i went to Sempu island with Kak Devie and friends and with three crazy interns from canada, belgium, and germany. yah, they are Christelle, Fatima, and Anastasia. We had soooo much decision before we decided to went there with Devie's friends. but i dont want to tell you about behind the story, i want you to know how crazy we are in this survival trip (this wasn't an adventure trip). so, we arrived there in Sendang Biru Beach at hmmn 1.30 pm, we got our lunch, our boat and then at 3.00 we acrossed the sea to get Semut Beach at Sempu Island. usually from semut beach to Segara Anak, place for camping, people need about 3 hours for walk.but guys, for your information, we needed totally 5 hours. LOL. and FYI again the route for walk was very very DAMN-COOL. in your step you will find ONLY MUD!! 10 steps in the beginning everyone just tried to save their shoes and trousers but next minutes everyone didn't care anymore. everyone was falling down in the mud.the funny things was we just laugh laugh and laugh when we stuck by the mud. Christelle was the very strong girl that i've ever meet. she brought a biggest one backpack in this trip. totally different with me which was only brought 1 camera case (but this was the hardest thing for me because i had to keep this hmm 9 million rupiahs stuff safely), 1 medium bag, and 1 plasctic bag (but this plastic bag was hurted my hands). aaahha..and anastasia was a best joker in this time with her "Batik Sempu Joke" LOL. we moved so slow because this mud. so during the afternoon we just passed a half of the way. it means yeahh..we got the evening inside the forest hiyaaaaa..some people were very tired and they just always said that they gave up, they couldn't pass this trip, but that was so impossible to went back to semut beach because that was already evening and that was mean NO MORE BOAT TO GO BACK! so we kept pray to our God, kept trust to our Guide,Kak Roni, kept spirit, kept positive thinking, kept anything good in our mind. wow..and then over 8pm we heard sound of the waves. we just felt it because no one couldn't see the area! in my mind, i just want to lying on the beach sand when we just arrived. whoaaaa...and then, it didn't take a long time, we saw so many light and "Kyaa,is it you?" "Guys, we just arrived" "Ya, that is my class-mates" "Here guys, let we down" wowww..i got my spirit again LOL. we arrived, we took team's picture (we looked like shit LOL,and our trouser's color became similar each other,DARK BROWN), interns took a bath in the sea (aha..i reminded anastasia story about the queen LOL), and the others started to build the tent. whoaaa...i was lying in the sand for a while , finally. yeah..then the nice camping story started. Christelle as the master build our tent, anastasia and i helped her, then we prepare for our dinner while that was a little rain also. we got our rest with dinner together. and sleeping time was coming. it was about 12pm, yeah midnight, we went inside to our sleeping bag in the tent, and the next 15 minutes..STORM CAME!!heavy rain, wind, wow..what the!! we couldn's sleep during the night. we woke up and tried to hold our tent because our neighbour's tent just broken. and the problem wasn't over, our tent isn't a water proof tent. so, can you imagine, the rain came inside and fill the tent. is it enough? no guys, the other problem was our sleeping bag also wet! fatima said "Kya, you have to make sure again what kind of stuff did you rent, is it a tent or a swimming pool!?" LOL. because we have snorkler in our tent, Christelle said again "Okay guys, i think we will snorkling all night long" and anastasia closed the jokes with "hmm..this is not bad enough i we have a lot of drinking water for the next day". i couldn't sleep because of them. they were really crazy, we couldn't stop laughing all the time (even until i write this posting i also laugh :D). we tried so many style to sleep. the best one from christelle, circle (or square) style :D. whooaamm...zzz. i didn't know exactly when the storm over and what time i can sleep. i woke up in the morning and it was still raining outside. i checked all our stuff and i got all my clothes and my veils already wet!! luckily i could save my camera fiuhhh..i didn't care anymore, i took off my veil, used my short, took the snorkler, and swam!! wohooo...but the thing you must know is SEMPU IS A REALLY REALLY GREAT PLACE!! i want to go back to sempu again, but not in this kind of climate! i stayed inside the water during the rain, because it warm there LOL. we went back to semut beach at 11am and we left Sendang Biru beach at 3 or 4pm.

i love sempu island :*

Luckily, i found my classmates there :D

Square style in my tent :D

We just Arrived fiuhhh


Very hard decision for Fatima, saving her shoes, using a flipflop, or nothing :(

keep smile guys, even the mud colored ur face !

This is our team :D

i tried to bring Christelle's backpack.hey, it looked like a small bag huh? BIG NO>IT WAS VERY HEAVY!
guess! is christelle a woman or a man? LOL